Saturday, August 31, 2013

Travel Style

Helloooooo down there!  I'm looking down at some beautiful "flyover states" right now as we head to another wedding.  This one's in a little Colorado mountain town so it's perfect timing.  We're looking forward to trading 100 degree temps for low sixties.  Do I sound like a country bumpkin or a really old person if I say it always blows my mind when I'm connected from 35,000 feet?  Our two hour flight is nearly over, and I've replied to multiple work emails and set up two contracts since I've been on the plane.  Crazy awesome.  (Crawsome?)  I wish I didn't  have any work to do so I could enjoy streaming live TV like my bf over here!  Kidding... he's sitting next to me closing deals too (after he caught an episode of 30 Rock)!

Our house is currently still in shambles, so subsequently our lives are too.  We hurried to pack for our trip this morning and of course couldn't find anything we needed!  Needless to say, I didn't feel so cute walking through the airport this afternoon in a slouchy sweater and skirt.  Due to the countless hours of TMZ I've watched this summer, it got me thinking... I don't know how the celebs do it.  They look so chic running through the airport in nothing but jeans, slouchy sweaters, and scarves.
I never see them carrying luggage either.  I guess that's a perk of having "people" to do things for you!  Unless I'm traveling for work, I'm typically at the opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to looking chic on the go.  When I have to catch an early flight I roll out of bed at the last minute, brush my teeth, put on pants, and head out the door.  Let's just say I'm not a morning person. I hope to turn over a new leaf in 2014.  I mean, other bloggers out there dress super cute when they travel. Why not me?  I have a few outfit ideas in mind...  I'll get right on it after I unpack my house.  :)

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