Thursday, May 30, 2013

Party Time!

I mentioned earlier this week that my birthday is coming.  I'm trying to take some time today to enjoy my few remaining hours as a 27-year-old person.  Isn't 27 still considered "mid" twenties?  At 28, you are definitely in the "late" twenties category.  There's no getting around that.  But I'm fine with it.  (That's what I keep telling myself.)  Candidly, I'm way OK with getting older.  I already feel it.  I can't knock 'em back on a week night and feel hunky dory at work the next day.  Plus I need more sleep and don't like hanging out in packed, loud clubs.  The older I get, the more socially acceptable it is for me to spend my weekend nights at home with a nice glass of wine alone with a friend or two.  Wait, when did I start caring about social norms?
Exhibit A.  This is me, just hanging out at home last night. 

Ok, there's more to the story.  To celebrate my birthday, my boyfriend and I are throwing an 80s party at our place this weekend.  This will not be your typical 80s themed frat party where all the kids wear skimpy 80s workout gear in neon colors and every girl crimps her hair.  Of course there's a time and place for that: college.  This 80s party is the "grown up" version, because that's what I'm slowly becoming- grown up.  (Well, that's the goal at least.)  Also, this is the picture quality you get when you ask a boy to take your pic while he's engrossed in something else like building speakers.  Here are a couple better ones (he now knows to take the picture from an angle so it's looking down on the subject versus up, in order to avoid the dreaded double-chin-effect)...
Notice the sewing machine in the first photo?  This dress was a DIY project, ladies and gents.  It all started with a trip to the Salvation Army yesterday morning.  If you're thrifting in Dallas, this is a good one.  It's on Harry Hines Boulevard, which is a sketchy place to begin with.  (I like to call it "Hairy Hinds".  I find it funny that when I say this, no one notices.  It's like an inside joke with myself.  And this is what happens when you work from home and have to entertain yourself all day. Inside jokes with yourself.  Sad.)  Wednesdays are half-price clothing days at SA, so it was every woman for herself.  There are only two dressing rooms in the ladies "boutique" area, which is where I found this dime, so I had to wait for-ev-errrrrrr to try on my dresses.  But it was worth the wait, especially because I got a $40 dress for $20.  This dress started out floor-length, but I took my scissors to it, hemmed it on my machine, and now it's party ready.  Unfortunately in my excitement to alter the dress I didn't think about taking a "before" pic.  Oh well.  Use your imaginations.  It was black and reached the floor.

Am I crazy that I think this number is cute enough to wear in public?  I mean, it would have to be a fancy occasion, but I'm really digging it.  But wait, I just realized I'm almost really old now and don't want to go out.  This could be the perfect dress to wear to at home drinking wine on the couch.  The only thing I need to kick it up a notch is a cat or two.

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