Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Nomadic Habit and Bro's Graduation

Today was a glorious day in Norman, Oklahoma.  The University of Oklahoma's graduates of the class of 2011 were awarded their diplomas!  My baby bro Nicholas was one of them, receiving his Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art from OU's prestigious Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts!  Hooray!  I can't help but brag about him.  Nicholas' talents range from graphic design to photography to painting...  I could go on, but you can see for yourself here:  Nicholas is working as a camp counselor this summer but will be available for hire in the fall.  (Shameless plug, I know!  That's what good sisters do.)  Congrats, Nicholas!  We are so proud of you!

I was honored to be invited to the ceremony, BUT I admit I'm not a fan of graduations.  Most people can probably relate.  I didn't even want to go to my own college graduations (yes, there were two of them) but my parents kindly insisted.  As the benefactors of my education (for which I am forever grateful), I couldn't say no.  We sat through hours of pomp and circumstance, speeches, and loooong lines of graduates receiving their diplomas and hearty handshakes.  Now it was Nicholas' turn to walk and my turn to take pictures.   In anticipation of a a long car ride and a good three solid hours sitting in an auditorium, my brain must have switched into "travel mode."  Before we left the house, I grabbed a warm jacket, a blanket, four magazines, some bottled water, and quickly sliced a cucumber and threw some grape tomatoes in a plastic bag.

My dad looked over at me strangely in the middle of the ceremony and said, "You look like you're on a plane."  I had to laugh.  He was exactly right.  I am on planes quite frequently and after months of living nomadicly I've grown accustomed to carrying my stuff with me.  It feels natural to have extra clothes, snacks, and other creature-comfort things on hand.  I guess "being prepared" is a good thing, but today I may have crossed the line.  Who brings this much stuff with them to a graduation?

The Glam Nomad, that' s who!

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