Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day in OKC

This weekend I took a quick flight to Oklahoma City to celebrate Mother's Day with my family.  Of course, I think I have the world's best mom!  Let me count the ways... She always puts others before herself, supports all of her kids' zany projects, she's a fabulous travel partner, and she makes the most decadent chocolate chip cookies from scratch!  She's also the only person I know who would bike across the Golden Gate Bridge after she'd just fractured her shoulder and not even mention it!  (Yes, it happened on our recent trip to SF.  She's still in trouble for that one!)

My lovely Aunt Arlene and Uncle Jim  invited our fam to their home today in Jones, Oklahoma for Mothers' Day brunch.

After a long leisurely brunch, we took a stroll through my aunt's gardens.  She has a green thumb Martha Stewart would envy!  Everything is lush and green from the recent rain and most of her flowers are on the verge of blooming.

Our garden tour turned into a hike when we wandered down some recently cleared paths in the back of the property.

When we made it out of the woods, we rewarded ourselves with some of my mom's homemade chocolate chip cookies!  The best part of these cookies is their perfect chip-to-dough ratio.  (I cannot be held responsible for those of you drooling on your keyboards right now...)

I'm blessed to be part of a family full of strong, smart, and loving women.  Happy Mothers' Day to all of the world's moms, grandmothers, step-mothers, and mothers-to-be!

My mom and me, 1985

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