Monday, October 7, 2013

Faux Comfort Food

To state the obvious, fall is here!  This is how I know:  #PSL.

I've never been a coffee drinker.  The taste of burnt dirt was never appealing to me in the past, but since I work from home I like to spend some time out of the house around other humans, and that inevitably brings me to coffee shops.  Recently I've started to acquire a taste for plain, black coffee.  It still takes willpower to not order a cafe mocha when I approach the counter, but I've been clean for months.  Today I visited a new (to me) coffee shop in my new-ish hood.  I saw "pumpkin chai" written on their chalkboard under "Specials" and I ordered it.  Not because of the pumpkin, but because of the chai- I was expecting some decaf earthy tasting tea (like the chai tea I have in my cupboard at home).  I realized my mistake when I took my first sip of the sweet, creamy concoction.  It was a pumpkin spice chai latte!  I accidentally ordered a PSL!  Ugh.  Now I have to tell you all the reasons I love fall...  Just kidding.  :)  Once the drink was in my hand, there was no turning back. I drank the whole thing.  All 354,782 calories.  And. it. was. so. good.  

With bathing suit season behind us, I get very tempted to throw all clean eating efforts out the window and munch on comfort food (which I totally did over the weekend and regret today!).  Tonight I made a healthy version of one of my faves- mashed potatoes!  The star of this show is cauliflower.  Here's the super simple recipe...

Buy a head of cauliflower.  Cut off the florets and steam them.

Throw them into a blender with a clove of garlic, a couple tablespoons of Greek yogurt, rosemary, and fresh cracked black pepper.

Blend and serve!  This was plenty for two people.

In other healthy eating news, I think we're really late to this party, but my bf and I have been obsessing over LaCroix Water!  I've never been a soda drinker because I know it's bad stuff, and I genuinely enjoy drinking water.  IMHO, this little can contains the best of both worlds.  There's a hint of flavor, the carbonation is refreshing, and there's nothing bad in them.  The icing on the cake is the cute packaging!
Disclaimer:  I'm not getting paid to tell you what a fantastic product LaCroix Water is, but I'd love to. :)

Tomorrow, I'll be downing one (or two!) of these zero cal drinks instead of a PSL.  Stay thirsty, my friends.

1 comment:

  1. Emily, I totally agree that a good cup of coffee is best enjoyed black! Cream and sugar are great for disguising bad coffee in the same way that slathering ketchup on a burger is a great way to disguise bad meat. The thing that annoys me about Pumpkin Spice ______ is that none of these products contain the actually squash. It's just a regular something with cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg. Those spices alone don't make them pumpkin themed, IMO.
